Episode 12: OK sorry but what were we really expecting?

Hey hey y’all! We’re back with another episode; this week we’re discussing what we expected when we hauled ass to England and what we actually came face to face with. From accents to sandwiches to rehabilitating criminals…it’s all here. Then we devolve into nightmares, Armageddon (the brilliant masterpiece that is the movie btw), and D’s debilitating natural disaster anxiety. Fun! I’d like to personally thank J for planting the seed of waking to someone whispering your name in your ear mid-sleep.

We’d love for you to interact with us; we love our listeners and want to hear from you. Or, alternatively, let us know if you want to join us for a recording. You can remain anonymous if that’s your preference.

Love you all, talk next week xx



Episode 13: OK sorry but one of us just had a lockdown birthday!


Episode 11: OK sorry but how do you feel about old wives tales?