Episode 13: OK sorry but one of us just had a lockdown birthday!

Well, we tried to nonchalantly just skip by one week without recording but got called out…sorry everyone! J’s birthday took precedence but we’re back so hold on to your hats!

Today we discuss birthdays…what we hate about them, what we love about them. We will entertain you with stories of our more memorable celebrations (both fun ones and disasters) and go into minute detail of what we expect during our festivities; take note for next year please.

If you’re in the UK please consider signing the below petition to ensure children are fed during school holidays; we are obviously living in trying times and I despair to think that some parents are unable to feed their children when they’re not in school. Those in power can be the most cruel and callous but having our voices and wishes heard is all we can do as a collective: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/554276

Happy Halloween everyone, stay safe out there (in more ways than one) xx

Yours truly,



Episode 14: OK sorry but we’re just 2 sisters getting LIT!!


Episode 12: OK sorry but what were we really expecting?