Episode 11: OK sorry but how do you feel about old wives tales?

A more upbeat episode for our listeners this week! D is sorry she couldn’t quite get through the social media movie but watch it all the same. Or just binge Schitt’s Creek for the 3rd time…up to you.

J&D discuss the most virile old wives tales out there…from warnings of drowning babies in utero in the bathtub to straight hair woes, you’ll hear them all. Also, this is a Black Mirror stan account if you haven’t already guessed.

So swat that rogue fly and get to listening! If Kamala can put up with Mike Pence’s misogynistic bullshit this week then you can listen to us waffle on about absolute nonsense for 1.5 hours.

Kisses and hugs,



Episode 12: OK sorry but what were we really expecting?


Episode 10: OK sorry but there have been lots of changes lately