Episode 10: OK sorry but there have been lots of changes lately

Hello hello all, welcome to our 10th episode! Today we discuss the absolute shit show that is world politics, the saying ‘step out of your comfort zone’ and how there have been some huge personal change and we discuss how we adapt to these changes and ways we have kept from having a complete and utter mental breakdown. Sound fun? Have a listen and please let us know any coping mechanism you can share with us and/or any wisdom you can provide. We also reminisce about films, Leonardo Dicaprio memes and the absolute pleasure a new Borat movie would bring to this sad, dark world.

Please watch the social dilemma before next week and we can have a discussion on it. D knows absolutely nothing about it and J has already been shocked an appalled by it so we’ll see how that goes.

Thanks for listening you gorgeous people xx



Episode 11: OK sorry but how do you feel about old wives tales?


Episode 09: OK sorry but we’re hosting tonight