Episode 07: OK sorry but conspiracy theories….crazy right?!

We’re back, back, back again!! Join us in our discussion about the Daily Fail and its lack of actual reporting on the shady happenings in the UK right now, conspiracy theories and the people who believe in them, our LOVE of the Williams/Onahian family, and J’s language barriers and the hilarity that ensues from referring to herself as ‘Jor’ (or ‘Hor’ for us English speakers). We reminisce about when Wills was actually hot and discuss how the earth fits into the universe and how the thought of it induces anxiety…the usual!

And watch Schitt’s Creek for the LOVE OF GOD! You are missing out and only have yourselves to blame.

Tata for now xx



Episode 08: OK sorry but we need something to look forward to


Episode 06: OK sorry but we’ve got company!