Episode 08: OK sorry but we need something to look forward to

Hello lovelies, episode 8 is up where we discuss the doom and gloom of our current situations (all of our situations really) and are desperately searching for things to look forward to in the bleak landscape that is COVID-19 lockdown.

We answer a listener’s question and delve into our current dramatic situations and aimlessly discuss various thoughts, feelings and our Business Class upgrade memories!

A huge thanks for listening and supporting us, this podcast is really pivotal in our coping and dealing with the crappiness surrounding us all currently (no matter where you are or what situation you’re in). Don’t want to bring doom and gloom but sometimes its better to talk it out.

Don’t forget to visit and follow us on our various social media accounts and RATE AND REVIEW wherever you listen. Thanks x


PS - I am really trying to work with Audacity here but the jingle (thanks Dante!) might just show up randomly during our recording…deal with it please.


Episode 09: OK sorry but we’re hosting tonight


Episode 07: OK sorry but conspiracy theories….crazy right?!