Episode 06: OK sorry but we’ve got company!

Well, it’s finally happened, we’ve invited a guest to join us for a chat on international lockdowns, womanhood, how news/world events are being presented to other countries, and our fabulous guest’s current undertaking (alongside her husband), Land. So sit back, have a listen and we’ll prove we actually know other people and want to share their stories too!

Quick note, please follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook (see links on oksorrybut.com) and we’ll also be uploading clips onto YouTube shortly (thanks Skype! Old school is always best).

Please view, follow and support Mumi and her husband’s latest endeavour on Instagram - you can find them on Instagram at @mumilin and @MartinOrozco. You can follow Mumi on Twitter @mumiduarte

Thanks again for listening and for your support. We are REALLY enjoying recording these and would appreciate any feedback, questions and/or concerns and we will take requests. If you have something to share and want to join us on one of our episodes just let us know. We’re happy to include others’ stories on this medium but we’ll never know you’re interested in joining unless you tell us. Socially distanced hugs and kisses!

D&J xx


Episode 07: OK sorry but conspiracy theories….crazy right?!


Episode 05: OK sorry but Hollywood…really?!