Episode 02: OK sorry but you did ask for our advice

We’ve got a treat for you my friends! First off, our Sunday night recordings are being hampered by all of J’s neighbours watching TV and her wifi signal is questionable (hopefully better than the signal in the remote mountains of Peru…newsflash, it’s not), so we’re recording Wednesday nights now!

We answer our FIRST listener request for advice from a close friend of the podcast, our FIRST set of listener questions (that we are very grateful for), some COVID lockdown suggestions and a hell of a lot of random content for you to listen to.

Try to watch Hamilton by next week and join us to for a discussion on what we thought of it! And if you’d like us to watch other films and review them please send us your suggestions.

Mood alert! Melancholy is the mood of the week…we endeavour to bring you upbeat and exciting content but sometimes we just CBA. I’ll have a G&T next episode and try to lighten the mood x

Thanks for listening!

D and J

*Quick suggestion - I find that listening to podcasts while cleaning is optimal, but, during lockdown have started walking to a local shop/store rather than driving, and find listening to podcasts makes the walk bearable. Just make sure you’re aware of your surroundings and stay alert, of course.


Episode 03: OK sorry but it’s freaking boiling up in here!


Episode 01: OK sorry but this was our first try