Episode 04: OK sorry but we’re OLD!

Listen to D and J rant about the sorry state of racism, the plight of refugees, the A-Levels and GCSE fiasco (aka: Tory government failures…what a surprise!), Reggaeton (whoop whoop!!) and how we’ve changed with age.

Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify (we’ve finally been accepted onto the holy grail of podcasting) and please rate and review on these apps. Also, please don’t forget to leave comments below and give us some content to discuss; especially if you’re torn on an issue you need someone to blab on about on your behalf. We’re here for you!!

Don’t forget to watch American History X before next Wednesday and join us on a discussion of the film and its relevance today. We will be discussing next week!!

D&J x


Episode 05: OK sorry but Hollywood…really?!


Episode 03: OK sorry but it’s freaking boiling up in here!